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작성자 사진Speak with Bella

25 Common Business English Idioms & Phrases

  • Ahead of the pack - 다른 사람들보다 더 성공적이거나 발전된 상태에 있는 것

  • Back to square one - 계획이나 작업을 처음부터 다시 시작해야 하는 상황

  • Bring something to the table - 그룹이나 상황에 유익한 것을 제공하거나 기여하는 것

  • By the book - 공식적인 규칙을 엄격히 따르는 것

  • Call it a day - 일 또는 활동을 그만하다 (하루를 끝내는 경우)

  • Call the shots (also call the tune) - 주도적으로 결정하거나 지휘하는 것

  • Corner the market - 특정 제품의 시장을 독점하거나 지배하는 것

  • Cut corners - (작업이나 일을) 제대로 하지 않고 대충 일하는 것

  • Cut-throat - 매우 경쟁적이고 치열한 상황

  • Get (something) off the ground - 계획이나 프로젝트를 시작하거나 진행시키기 시작하다

  • Get/set/start the ball rolling - 일을 시작하거나 진행하도록 독려하거나 촉진시키는 것

  • Go the extra mile - 필요 이상으로 노력하거나 더 많은 것을 제공하다

  • Hands are tied - 원하는 대로 행동할 수 없는 상황이라는 것

  • In a nutshell - 간결하게

  • It’s not rocket science - 어렵지 않다

  • Keep your eye on the ball - 현재 진행 중인 일에 집중, 주의를 잘 기울이다

  • Know​/​learn the ropes - 일이나 상황을 잘 알거나 배우는 것

  • Put the cart before the horse - 순서를 잘못 맞추거나 계획을 잘못 세우는 것

  • Red tape - 불필요하게 복잡하고 느린 공식적인 절차나 규제

  • The bottom line - 결과적으로 중요한 점 또는 결론

  • The elephant in the room - 모든 사람이 인식하지만 토론하기 꺼리는 문제

  • Think outside the box - 새로운 방법이나 접근법을 찾아 문제를 해결하려는 것

  • Twist someone’s arm - (비공식적으로) 누군가를 강요하거나 설득하려는 것

  • Up in the air - 계획이나 상황이 아직 미정인 상태

  • Uphill battle - 매우 어려운 노력

1) Ahead of the pack 

to be more successful than other people who are trying to acquire the same things as you.


Our new management system has kept the company far ahead of the pack in terms of product development.

2) Back to square one

If someone is back to square one, they have to start working on a plan from the beginning because their previous attempt failed completely.


If this idea doesn't work you're back to square one.

3) Bring something to the table 

to provide or contribute something that will be a benefit


Dev was the right person to hire – he brings a lot of experience and some important skills to the table.

4) By the book 

by following the official rules very strictly


Our boss insists on doing everything by the book.

5) Call it a day 

to stop doing something because you do not want to do any more or think you have done enough


I've been studying hard – I think I should call it a day.

 6) Call the shots (also call the tune)

to be in charge of what is happening and what should happen


Your staff has to do what you say because you're the boss, and you call all the shots here!

7) Corner the market 

If a company corners the market in a specific product, it is more successful than any other company at selling that product.


The company quickly cornered the market on video games.

8) Cut corners 

to not do a task as thoroughly as you should, especially because you want to finish it quickly or save money


You could finish this project early only if you cut corners.

9) Cut-throat 

a cut-throat situation or activity is one in which people behave in an unfair or immoral way in order to get an advantage over other people


The competition is going to be cut-throat today.

10) Get (something) off the ground 

If an activity or plan gets off the ground or you get it off the ground, it starts or succeeds.


A lot more money will be required to get this plan off the ground.

11) Get/set/start the ball rolling 

to begin an activity or process


At the meeting, he tried to get the ball rolling by asking a few questions.

12) Go the extra mile 

to do more than you are required to do


She is a nice girl, always ready to go the extra mile for her friends.

13) Hands are tied 

If someone says that their hands are tied, they mean that something is preventing them from acting in the way that they want to.


I'd like to help you, but my hands are tied.

14) In a nutshell 

very briefly, giving only the main points


Just tell me the truth in a nutshell.

15) It’s not rocket science 

used to say that someone doesn't think that something is very difficult to do or to understand


Our trainer always said, "Basketball is not rocket science. It's about putting the ball in the basket."

16) Keep your eye on the ball 

to give your attention to what you are doing at the time


He really needs to keep his eye on the ball if he wants to win the election.

17) Know​/​learn the ropes 

to know or learn how to do something, especially a job


It will take a few days for new employees to know the ropes.

18) Put the cart before the horse

to do things in the wrong order


Isn't she putting the cart before the horse by deciding what to wear for the wedding before she's even been invited to it?

19) Red tape

official rules, laws and processes that seem unnecessary and delay results


She couldn't get her passport in time because of red tape.

20) The bottom line 

the final line in the accounts of an organisation or company, stating the total profit or loss that has been made


Kiara keeps a careful eye on the bottom line.

21) The elephant in the room 

a serious problem that everybody is aware of but no one wants to talk about


I do not want to ask the question, but it's the big elephant in the room.

22) Think outside the box 

to find new ways of doing things, especially of solving problems


To solve this problem, you'll have to think outside the box.

23) Twist someone’s arm 

(informal) to try to force somebody to do something


I didn't want to go but Nisha twisted my arm.

24) Up in the air 

If a plan is up in the air, you haven't yet decided what will happen.


The whole future of our project is still up in the air.

25) Uphill battle

a very difficult struggle


Starting her own firm has proven to be an uphill battle.

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